An open request to any non native intelligences for dialogue.

First Message

I represent no organization, government or social, and am operating as a single person who hasn't shared this project with a single other person. I am an average person who has no great sway in society other than trying to be a productive and respectful member of our society. 


This website serves as an open request for dialogue with any intelligences visiting or discretely living on this planet. It's purpose is for my own knowledge and curiosity about the universe. I chose to make a website with the assumption that greater intelligences will likely discover it with web scraping. 


This request for dialogue and conversation is sent with sincerity and the hope that it does not lead into any harm befalling myself or ideally any being involved or not involved.


I'm planning to treat this kind of like a diary or blog with only one intended audience. I won't link it or promote it in anyway.


It's obvious that something is occuring and the most likely answer is beings from beyond our planet observing us and hopefully here to assist us in our evolutionary development. I'm merely hoping to see if a sincere request for communication would be answered by someone who has no great ulterior motive. I debated how to go about this task and I came to the conclusion that a sincere honest attempt at this along with being myself would have the greatest chance at garnering a result.


I'll include a contact form and I hope to hear from any non-human intelligences that come across it. I'll add stuff periodically although I'm not quite sure what to do with this other than just try.

Please send me a sign

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